Nu re, nepagāja nedz viena nedēļa, kad mans pareģojums ir piepildījies un Canon, mēģinot pārspļaut Nikon savā stulbībā, arī ir ieviesuši jaunajā Canon EOS 5 Mark II filmēšanas funkcijas. Par to jauki izteicies John Nack savā blogā:
As you probably don’t need me to tell you, Canon has just announced the 5D Mark II, complete with the ability to record HD-resolution (1080p) video. This follows on the heels of Nikon’s D90, itself capable of 720p video capture. My initial thought was that DSLRs capturing video is kind of like dogs walking on their hind legs–not done well (e.g. no autofocus), though interesting to see done at all. Nikon’s sample videos, however, have gotten me thinking about the possibilities, and film effects pro Stu Maschwitz sees lots of promise. (He calls Canon’s decision to shoot at 30fps instead of at 24 “almost unbearable,” however.)
Satriecoši debīli jaunumi. Es jau gaidu, kad Leica paziņos par ko līdzīgu, lai pavisam sagrautu manu realitātes izpratni un uzticību jebkam.