Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta

New features for the Photoshop CS3 beta include the following:

  • Non-destructive Smart Filters
    Smart Filters are Photoshop filters that are applied non-destructively, and that remain live and re-editable. To apply a Smart Filter, select one or more layers and choose Filter->Convert for Smart Filters. The selected layer(s) will be converted to a Smart Object, to which you can apply filters non-destructively. Smart Filters appear as parameters under the layer to which they have been applied. Edit the Smart Filter mask to adjust the filter’s effects on different areas of the image. Note that any filter is treated as a Smart Filter when you apply it to a Smart Object.
  • Quick Selection Tool
    The new Quick Selection Tool creates selections by painting the general area of interest. Photoshop CS3 analyzes the image to complete the selection automatically. To remove pixels from a selection, hold the Opt (Mac)/Alt (Win) key and paint. You’ll find the Quick Selection tool in the same slot as the Lasso tool in the Tools palette.
  • Refine Edge
    The new Refine Edge feature offers a simple, flexible way to modify the edge of any selection. Available via the Options bar or via the Select menu, the Refine Edge dialog lets you smooth, feather, contract or expand the current selection by using simple slider controls. Experiment with the Radius slider to select irregular or fuzzy edges.
  • Automatic layer alignment and blending
    Using automatic layer alignment and blending, easily combine the best parts of multiple images of the same scene into one “best” image. Simply place multiple, related images on separate layers in one document, and let Photoshop CS3 analyze the contents, moving and rotating the layers so they overlap as precisely as possible. Then use the masking tools to reveal the areas you need from different layers to finalize the elements of the composite image. Automatic layer blending seamlessly blends the color and shading into the final image. The “Auto-Align Layers” and “Auto-Blend Layers” commands are both found in the Edit menu. Note that you must have multiple layers selected simultaneously in the Layers palette before you can apply these commands.
  • Vanishing Point with multiple, adjustable angle perspective planes
    One of the most powerful new features of Photoshop CS2 is now even more flexible. Vanishing Point adjusts brush strokes, healing and cloning as you paint over its perspective planes. In Photoshop CS3, you are no longer restricted to adding planes at 90-degree angles. You can now quickly and easily create multiple planes in any image, connected at any angle. In addition, artwork (for example, a product label pasted from the clipboard) can be wrapped around multiple planes simultaneously. To adjust angles of planes, use the Alt/Option key when dragging on a side point of a plane, or enter a specific angle in the Angle field in the dialog.
  • Black and White conversion
    Advanced black-and-white conversion is now simpler and faster. With the new Black and White adjustment, one button analyzes the image and offers conversion settings. Fine-tune your image with simple sliders that control the conversion of each color. Click and drag any portion of any image to adjust the corresponding tonal range (for example, click and drag on a red car to lighten or darken all red tones). The improved Channel Mixer adjustment includes new black-and-white presets, the ability to save your own settings as presets for reuse later, and the new Total indicator that keeps you informed on the total percentage contribution from all three color channels.
  • Enhanced Adobe Camera Raw
    Camera Raw 4.0 now features Fill Light, Recovery, and Vibrance controls; a parametric tone curve; sophisticated black & white and split toning controls; and more.


2006. gada vidū BMW laikrakstos publicēja reklāmu.

BMW. Congratulations to Audi for winning South African Car of the Year 2006. From the winner of the World car of the year 2006
BMW. Congratulations to Audi for winning South African Car of the Year 2006. From the winner of the World car of the year 2006

Atbilde no Audi ilgi nebija jāgaida.

Audi. Congratulations to BMW for Winnings World Car of the Year 2006. From the Winner of SIx Consecutive Le Mans 24 Hour Races 2000–2006.
Audi. Congratulations to BMW for Winnings World Car of the Year 2006. From the Winner of SIx Consecutive Le Mans 24 Hour Races 2000–2006.

Viss jau būtu beidzies, bet Subaru nespēja nosēdēt malā.

Subaru. Well done to Audi and BMW for winning the beauty contest. From the winner of the 2006 International Engine of the Year.
Subaru. Well done to Audi and BMW for winning the beauty contest. From the winner of the 2006 International Engine of the Year.

Teorētiski pēc tam varēja sekot visi pārējie, bet tā kā Bentley pirmie uzblieza šo šedevru, tālāk turpināt būtu bezjēdzīgi.


Daudz neko negribu stāstīt, viss skaidrs. Skatam visu kopā krievu blogā, pie manis nāk no Ārčija. Līdz Bentley es biju redzējis, bet nu šamais nolika visu pārējo līdz ar zemi.

Jill Bell’s Simple Design Tips

1. Organize your material into levels of importance. Make sure the information is logical, clear and assessable.

2. Edit. Eliminate everything that is fluff. Make sure you have the journalistic essentials of five W’s and one H: who, what, where, when, why and how (if appropriate).

3. Choose your typefaces. Decide what typefaces reflect the subject matter the best. Consider who your reader/audience is. Decide what will be used as headlines, sub-heads, and the body copy. Check to see if there are any special characters you need in your font.

4. It’s much easier to mix a serif font and a sans serif font than it is to mix two serif fonts or two sans serif fonts. Simplest method for a good, cohesive look: choose an extended font family with italics and different weights and stay with it.

5. Serif fonts are generally better for text, sans serif for headings and titles. Serif fonts tend to be more readable, sans serif more legible (why they are also used more in signs).

6. Keep line length short for improved readability. Flush left makes the type look and read better if the design allows. 10-12 point type is generally the easiest, quickest read.

7. Don’t use all caps for text. It’s just not very readable and you’ll loose your audience.

8. Use pictures or graphics. The adages say it all: “A picture is worth a thousand words” and “variety is the spice of life”.

9. Less is more. Don’t get carried away and try to put everything in. One picture may be better than five. White space is good and adds clarity and sophistication.

10. For print: your text and logo will probably look better smaller than you think it should be.

11. For online: your text will probably look better bigger than you think it should be. Separate out long pages of text onto their own page or create a PDF: your average internet surfer doesn’t want to wade through a lot of text, and those who do want to read articles want to be able to print the text out with one printing command.

12. Jill’s surefire rule of 3: Limit yourself to three colors (background counts as one), three typefaces (two should be in the same font family), and three sizes of type. One color, typeface and size of type should occupy 2/3 of the piece, the second element 2/3 of the remaining third, and the remaining 1/9th should be the accent color, the headline type and size (or footnote size and type).

13. Jill’s primary colors: black, white and red.

14. Proofread. Proofread again. Have someone else proofread it. Proofread it again.

15. Break all the rules.

Oriģināls rodams šeit: Jill Bell’s Simple Design Tips. Turpat var atrast arī daudz ko citu interesantu, kas var noderēt  burtu mācību apgūstošajiem un arī tiem, kas  burtus saprot kā mākslas veidu. Un vispār jau tas ir Typo-L is: a mailing list dedicated to the discussion of type, typography, typeface design, and type history.

Uhh kā sabijos

Šodien tāds trakums, johaidī. Kārtējo reizi tad, kad es vēlos atjaunināt WordPress versiju, man viss pazūd un pusi no dienas pavadu, lai visu atkal savestu kārtībā. Tad nu tagad laikam kaut kas ir arī kārtībā. Beidzot.

Vēl tikai gribas izdomāt, kas ir tas foršais spraudnis, kas bildītei liek atvērties lielākai, visu pārējo iemetot fonā. Pagaidām mēģinu apgūties ar jaunajiem spraudņiem, cerams, ka viss aizritēs kā nākas.


Vai es esmu vienīgais, kam ko tādu jautā?

“Sveiki! Sakaraa ar to, ka juus nodarbojaties ar fotograafiju, vai varu jums luugt. Ljoti veletos iegut 1999. gada Fuji razotas iso 800 Press Photo fotofilminjas. Vai juus gadiijumaa nevareetu paaris noziedot labiem meerkjiem???”

Hmm, vēl varēja uztaujāt mēnesi, kurā ražots, lai es tiešām atrastu…

Vājprāts ar NIC.LV

Tiešām esmu dusmīgs. Ļoti dusmīgs.

Iekš stāv rakstīts:

Izmaiņas domēnu reģistrācijas datos (piemēram, pasta servera adrese vai tehniskās kontaktpersonas vārds) Reģistrs veic pēc pieprasījuma, kas nosūtīts no attiecīgā domēna reģistrācijas pieteikuma veidlapā norādītās administratīvās vai tehniskās kontaktpersonas e-pasta adreses. Kontaktpersonu informāciju var pārbaudīt NIC datubāzē.

Pirms mēneša vajadzēja nomainīt viena domena vārda tehnisko informāciju, rezultātā sanāca tā, ka man nedēļu nekas nenotika. Uzminiet, kāpēc? Tāpēc, ka, redz NIC ir izdomājis, ka tagad izmaiņas varot veikt tikai nosūtot viņiem faksu. Nu labi, nosūtu faksu, nomainu visu info. Urā.

Pagājušo nedēļu atkal bija jāmaina info vienam domenam. Uzreiz nosūtu faksu, jo uz e-pastiem viņi vairs nekādus labojumus nepieņemot. Kā jūs domājat – vai es kaut ko nomainīju? Ņifiga. Tagad, redz, viņiem faksi ir jāsūta isnieguma formā, parakstītus un ar pases kopiju pielikumā.

Kaut kāds marazms. Galvenais, ka telefoniski jautājot NIC, kāpēc info par šādām izmaiņām reģistru mainīšanā nav noteikumos, kas publicēti NIC mājaslapā, viņi atbild: “Bet jūs taču piezvanījāt un tagad mēs jums to sakam telefoniski!”