Starptautiskā Iespiedgrafikas izstāde Tokija 2007

Japānas Iespiedgrafikas asociācija, svinot savu 75 gadu jubileju, organizē starptautisku izstādi “Iespiedgrafika Tokija 2007” (“Print Tokyo 2007”) un aicina pieteikties mākslieniekus no visas pasaules.

Prints Tokyo 2007 – International Print Exhibition Tokyo 2007

Since its establishment in 1931, the Japan Print Association has hosted 74 exhibitions of the Japan Print Association at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Ueno and has supported the growth of contemporary printmaking in Japan. One of our major objectives is to create an awareness of Japanese printmakers internationally and therefore we have organized many international exchanges and overseas exhibitions for this purpose.

To celebrate the 75th anniversary year we would like to welcome the entries for “PRINT TOKYO 2007” from all over the world. The effect of new technology and changes in modern life mean that Contemporary Art is now very diverse. However, making Fine Art has always accepted new challenges and thereby stimulated the Contemporary Art world.

Here, we would like to think once again that the direction and possibilities of print art in future.

In order to look at the direction and possibilities of print art in the future 150 print works will be selected for the show at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art museum, Ueno. We are hoping that there will be many entries from artists not only from Japan but also from abroad and that this exhibition will draw world attention.