InDesignSecrets blogā ziņo par to, ka Adobe ir grūtības ar Exchange servisa uzturēšanu. Cik saprotams, tad visticamāk viņiem vienkārši nav vēlme šo servisu pinvērtīgi uzturēt un piesaistīt tam papildus cilvēkus.
I wish we had the resources to build a real InDesign “exchange” here at InDesignSecrets — with uploads, ratings, and so on — but honestly, we’re working on a shoestring here and we can’t build that kind of content management system. Adobe is perfectly situated to host it, but again, it doesn’t help anyone if it can’t be maintained properly. I even heard an Adobe employee at last week’s InDesign Conference say that it was hardly worth looking at these days, because a lot of the material there is out of date. (Via)
Nu ko, varbūt vietējie programmeri varētu sarosīties un uztaisīt patiesi vērtīgu resursu?