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Tikko izlasīju Neka blogā:

I’m not entirely sure about the naming history–that is, why Photoshop doesn’t just call Add “Add.” I think it has something to do with the fact that Calculations in PS already has “Add” and “Subtract” functions, and at the time the blending mode was introduced, the team didn’t want to cause confusion with Calculations.

Of course, confusion has ensued regardless, so maybe it’s time to simply switch the blending mode name to be “Add (Linear Dodge).” Just know that if we do that and people still ask for Add, my head may literally explode.

Tas jau ir noticis – visu gaišu, dSLR

Nu re, nepagāja nedz viena nedēļa, kad mans pareģojums ir piepildījies un Canon, mēģinot pārspļaut Nikon savā stulbībā, arī ir ieviesuši jaunajā Canon EOS 5 Mark II filmēšanas funkcijas. Par to jauki izteicies John Nack savā blogā:

As you probably don’t need me to tell you, Canon has just announced the 5D Mark II, complete with the ability to record HD-resolution (1080p) video.  This follows on the heels of Nikon’s D90, itself capable of 720p video capture.  My initial thought was that DSLRs capturing video is kind of like dogs walking on their hind legs–not done well (e.g. no autofocus), though interesting to see done at all.  Nikon’s sample videos, however, have gotten me thinking about the possibilities, and film effects pro Stu Maschwitz sees lots of promise.  (He calls Canon’s decision to shoot at 30fps instead of at 24 “almost unbearable,” however.)

Satriecoši debīli jaunumi. Es jau gaidu, kad Leica paziņos par ko līdzīgu, lai pavisam sagrautu manu realitātes izpratni un uzticību jebkam.

Photoshop ģimenei tagad ir savs logo

John Nack savā blogā ziņo par to, ka Photoshop ģimenē, kurā šobrīd ietilpst tādi produkti, kā Photoshop CS3, Photoshop CS3 Extended, Photoshop Lightroom, Photoshop Elements, Photoshop Album Starter Edition un drīzumā arī Photoshop Express, tagad ir apvienoti zem viena logotipa.

Photoshop — See whats possible

Pilnu logotipa aprakstu var apskatīties John Nack sniegtajā bildītē no Adobe branding mājaslapas.

Interesanti ir pavērot, kā ir attīstījusies Photoshop vizuālā atpazīstamība, tāpēc sniedzu nelielu ieskatu tajā.
Turpināt lasīt “Photoshop ģimenei tagad ir savs logo”

Adobe Lightroom 1.2 un Adobe Camera Raw 4.2

John Nack savā blogā raksta, ka ir iznākuši atjauninājumi Adobe Lightroom un Adobe Camera Raw. Tie ir kļūdu labojumi, kas, it īpaši Mac lietotājiem ir likuši dusmoties uz šo Adobe produktu izstrādātāju komandu.

Adobe Camera Raw atjauninājumu sarakstā:

  • pievienots atbalsts Canon EOS 40D, Panasonic DMC-FZ18, Fuji FinePix IS-1, Pentax K100D Super, Leaf Aptus 17, Leaf Aptus 54s, Leaf Aptus 75s, Phase One P 20 +, Phase One P 21 +, Phase One P 25 +, Phase One P 30 +, Phase One P 45 +, Olympus EVOLT E-510, Sony Alpha 700 fotokamerām kā arī Canon EOS 1D Mark III sRAW formātam
  • salabotas problēmas fotokamerām ar Bayer Pattern sensoriem

Adobe Lightroom salabotas sekojošas problēmas:

  • Lightroom 1.1 catalogs with user-specified sort order could not be imported into another catalog
  • Lightroom 1.1 for Windows could at times display gray boxes instead of image thumbnails
  • The preference to write XMP metadata automatically in Lightroom 1.1 could attempt to write metadata indefinitely for offline images causing significant performance problems
  • Images could be dropped from the Quick Collection upon reordering of the source folder
  • Catalogs could not be exported to drives smaller than 250MB
  • The Web Module was not accessible in Lightroom 1.1 on the Macintosh platform when Lightroom was installed on case-sensitive volumes such as the Case Sensitive HFS+ (Journaled) volume
  • Errors occurred exporting to a Linux SMB network volume
  • Scroll position in the grid view was not maintained when changing the view option using the J shortcut key
  • The tokens for image number and image count were not displaying properly in the Slideshow module
  • The metadata panel could display incorrectly on Windows
  • Slideshows on the Macintosh platform did not display properly when a 256MB ATI graphics card was connected to 30 ” LCD
  • The Lightroom 1.1 Web module export did not position the copyright tag in the same location displayed in the preview
  • The auto-eject functionality on Windows ejected the card reader device in addition to the card
  • Noise reduction adjustment for all cameras with Bayer Pattern sensor: The base point noise reduction applied at the demosaic stage of raw processing has been reduced. The resulting effect is that images with zero luminance noise reduction applied in Lightroom 1.2 will contain more noise than the identical settings in Lightroom 1.1 but less noise than identical settings in Lightroom 1.0.
  • 1:1 previews were not discarded according to the timing set in the Lightroom preferences
  • 1:1 previews are not built for an entire set of images when requested after import

Lai uzstādītu atjauninājumus, ieejam Lightroom un Help izvēlnē izvēlamies Update.