Google font directory service

Kā jau izteikts virsrakstā, tad šis būs pastāsts par kārtējo brīnumiņu, ko mums sarūpējuši Google. 17. maijā beta režīmā ir palaists Google font directory service, kas pēc savas būtības ir tiešsaites glabātuve garnitūrām, kas ir brīvi izmantojamas mājaslapu dizainam. No brīža, kad serviss tikai palaists līdz šodienai garnitūru skaits jau ir dubultots un es domāju, ka nepaies ne mēnesis, kad tur jau būs ļoti liels daudzums ar fontiem.

The Google Font Directory lets you browse all the fonts available via the Google Font API. All fonts in the directory are available for use on your website under an open source license and served by Google servers.

Serviss gan pagaidām ir arī ar savām īpatnībām. Piemēram, izvēloties kādam no fontiem Character Set, tiks parādīts nepilnais simbolu saraksts (to pirms kāda brīža pamanīja Krievzemes blogeri), tāpēc principā, lai pārbaudītu, vai fonts darbosies ar nestandarta latīņu vai kirilicas simboliem, nāksies katru no fontiem pārbaudīt rociņām.

Otra lieta attiecas uz tehnoloģiju (Google Font API) kā tādu.

What browsers are supported?
The Google Font API is compatible with the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome: version 4.249.4+
  • Mozilla Firefox: version: 3.5+
  • Apple Safari: version 3.1+
  • Opera: version 10.5+
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer: version 6+

The Google Font API is not currently supported on iPhone, iPad, iPod, or Android.

Un nedaudz arī par to, kā katrs no pārlūkiem to visu mēģina sagremot.

Browser-specific behavior

Note that you can control these behaviors using the WebFont Loader. For a list of supported browsers, see the FAQ.

Google Chrome
Chrome renders the rest of the page, but until the web font has loaded, it displays a blank space in place of the text that uses the font.

Mozilla Firefox
Firefox first displays the text in the default font, and then re-renders text in the web font once it has loaded. (This behavior is known as a “flash of unstyled text.”)

Apple Safari
Safari renders the rest of the page, but until the web font has loaded, it displays a blank space in place of the text that uses the font.

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer renders the rest of the page, but until the web font has loaded, it displays a blank space in place of the text that uses the font.
Note: For best display in IE, make the stylesheet <link> tag the first element in the HTML <head> section. In IE, if the link is placed after <script> tags, the entire page will block and not display anything until the web font is loaded.
More generally, Internet Explorer’s behavior may vary depending on the placement and existence of various elements. If you want to provide consistent behavior across all browsers, use the WebFont Loader. For example, you can choose to make all browsers behave like Firefox.